Different doctrines we have heard, been thought and follow as a result of believing in them to be light unto our life. We've set our faith upon such thereof, hence our raising and falling will depend upon the soundness of such a doctrine. The strength and power attached to any such doctrines will be the principle or anchor even the motivation that will direct the course of the soul, which has cast his faith upon such a doctrine. Most religious doctrines from the scripture were focused on bringing us into the fullest of God, that we might be rich in all knowledge of the spirit. Adding knowledge to life, and life to knowledge, giving understanding to open the eyes of the mind, to the mysteries of God, which most are around us today. Doctrines were thought for life to live with such as Faith, Circumcision, Atonement, Forgiveness, Mercy, Thanksgiving, Tithes & Offering, and more.
We teach the things of God, ways of God and act of God as doctrines. The things freely giving unto man from the foundation of the world and the creation of man; these we teach as doctrine that we might come into knowledge of the proper, adequate and essentials of this gifts.
The doctrine pertaining to God are thought from the commandment of God and his Law; Comparing both the new and old scripture precepts and taking heed to warnings, voice and messages herald by the prophets as concerning the doctrines in focus. These we regard as the proper implementation of knowledge to establish the things of old, bringing to understanding the new things of the present world. The prophets were an important party of reckoning in the teaching of the doctrines of God. God is close to the prophets, also the prophets were close to God at heart; it has been written: "Will the LORD do a thing without making it first known to his friends, the prophets". These are the people God will talk to mouth to mouth; face to face as a man speak to his friend. The burden of the word of God are carried by them; the prophets.
If the doctrine of God are taught from and according to the written knowledge, dwelling also on the voice of the spirit which speaks in a voice of understanding, of things of God; things which were of men also by nature. Declaring the things of the old and things that is to be from the beginning. This voiced, clearly heard from the spirit as the formal prophets have heard and herald the messages of the spirit.
To teach doctrine in any other way will be blinding, this depicts a negligence of the vital knowledge of God. Whereby, the words that as been said will come to pass that: "You teach the ways and commandments of Man as doctrines; and the commandments of God you obey not." These were the ways of the teachers of old, during the period of Christ ministry. These receive a rebuke from him; they like it not, neither do they cherish such a bold authority he seized, to reject their hypocrisy, untruthfulness publicly, calling them blind leaders of the blind.
A heard word; sharp piercing sword from the mouth to the heart of the people/ leaders, which tell the secrets of their hearts. Why do you think evil against me in your heart? He had Seen their thoughts. "And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword; and out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it, he should smite the nations; and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: "And the word of God is fast, sharper than any two edge sword.
Fright, overwhelming shiver and hatred. They tremble at his words with the authority of his doctrines, as the word comes out like the description; a sword, the truth cut through their spirits and the fire burn in their soul; as he knock it in like a hammer to break even the hearts of stones. This causes them to hate him; he troubled them a lot just with the word of his mouth. A red flaming sword coming out of his mouth; at his sight devils and demons tremble; in whose presence they have no hidden place, no secrets, no hidden solace of the heart, the inward witness, but all things were made plain before him. "What did you come to trouble us, when our time is not yet, thou Son of God" the voice of the Demons at his sight.
People of no understanding from their bewilderment said he has a devil and speaks by the head of all demons: whom spoke and the dead hear and lived. They were darkened in their understanding, and they know not the truth neither does the light dwell in them, otherwise, seeing the light they knew it not it was light, seeing truth, they call it devil; who is blind but my people that were called by my name.
This were of the medieval, the past and lost generation, locked out in the outer darkness, chained down in the abandon, destruction, under the water; the generation of vipers and dragons awaiting the judgement of the son of God, whom they hated because he told them the truth; and the light shine in darkness and the darkness could not comprehend it. Until the hour they were giving a chance to approach; "it is your hour now yea powers of darkness."
This is, was the light that was shone into them and they see not neither recognize they that it was light, desiring the comfort, secret world of their darkness than to cling to the revelation, total openness of the light which reveal all things in his path. "Nothing that is hidden that will not be brought into the open"
And if their work were right they will bring it to the light but being born and held bondage in darkness they hated the light.
Now what compare we this generation with, having known the truth and seen the light yet some still desire to abide in darkness, seeing they were compasses about, round their heels with the sins of their fathers and that of their youth. They love not righteousness but judge righteousness, your truth they make foolishness of, so did the proverbs come to pass upon them; the way of the wise is foolishness to them that were being destroy” Forsake the foolish and live, and go yea in the way of understanding. So it is written: the soul that sin shall die. They have been called to depart from their old proverb, which they sing as a song; " The father eat the sour grapes, and the children teeth are set on edges.
Hands without a body; and body without a head, disobedient and rebellious children, knowing they know, yet they come not into understanding, seeing they see, yet they perceive not and their ear have been blocked.
They have been betrothed to the estrange, who wishes and they obey, in their body and their heart they have sold to the devil; the serpent, their youth is spent with the prince of the air; who is the authority over their mind. But wisdom is known by her children.
They sang the commandment in proverb like song of the psalm but were not willing to do it. “I am a jealous God who visit the iniquity of the father upon the Children, from the first generation to the second, third and forth generation, and show mercy unto thousands that loves and keep my commandment.
This they sang as song; the father has eaten the sour grape and the children teeth are set on edges. Let this be known that: it is the soul that sin that shall die. Therefore, seize from your proverb; forsake the foolish and go in the way of understanding.
What should we say? we whom has seen the light, known the truth and abide in it; should we then go out of it and abide henceforth, in darkness, God forbid: We are children of the day, whereby we walk by day, we should not grieve the holy spirit to forfeit the grace which was shed upon us at Calvary; the grace that was purchased with blood. As the high priest took the blood of the sacrifice into the holy of holiness, as a plead for forgiveness for the people. So likewise did Christ, allegorically did purchase grace for the whole world; first, like a true high priest of our profession, choosing among men to offer sacrifices on behalf of man, atoning himself from the blot of the cross, then by the same blood sort out our grace which lead to forgiveness with repentance.
If the grace be forfeited, God is still gracious who shed his grace aboard in abundant, that you may abound in every good work; for where sin abound, grace abound much more. This is the grace of Christ, purchased by his blood for the forgiveness of the sinners. That a sinner may not die in his sin, this is the will of God, acceptable before the father.
I call the cross a blot on Christ, a shame he bears. I couldn't’t see anything to call it, for the wickedness done; he did rebuke the wicked and bye and bye get himself a blot: Even the cross. This proven thus; it was written; Christ the author and finisher of our faith. Who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of throne of God. Heb.12:2
When he came in righteousness with healing in his wings and says; ‘I come that you might have grace and have it more abundantly: The son of righteousness, rising with healing in his wings. Likewise, him which has receive a cup that he has been destined to drink from, and when the time come he was anguish and weary, so asked: can this cup be remove from mine head without me drinking from it. Not my will, thy will be done.
Therefore, we talked of the will of God as his bidding to obey; we talk of the will of God as his act of mercy. We talk of the will of God as his wishes and his plan for every mankind, his secrets which he has hiding in our hearts.
And this is the will of God:
-That sinner should not die in his sin.
-That blood should be shed to make atonement for a sinner.
-By the sprinkling of blood; sin shall be forgiven
- That man should give thanks
- That he should be glorified
- That the righteous should not go back to do unrighteousness
- That man should obey and not do sacrifice
- And that his will be done.
Christ said thy will be done. Even regardless that he has to drink from the cup that is been offered unto him and he said in prayer thrice before he was taken (arrested).
The cup of that he has to drink from, depict wrath: Anyway, it could not be wine anymore because he has just share out his blood as wine. However, it is still a cup of wine but not of life, it is of death. Because it is sin.
This is the cup offered to him. These same cup that the whole habitants of the world were made to drink from. This is the cup filled with the abomination and filthiness of the world, which was being giving out by that woman known as Babylon; she made the kings of the earth commit fornication: And if the head be bad; how much more the body: like saying the eyes be evil then how evil is the whole body? And this is the wickedness of the world and is being offered to the Lamb of God that the word of Isaiah may come to pass. “Surely he had borne our grieves and carried our sorrows, yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgression he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we were healed.” “He made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit found in his mouth. Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great and shall divide the spoil with the strong because he has poured out his soul unto death." “And he was numbered with the transgressors and he bare the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors” Isaiah 53 1-12.
In here there lay no shadow of things to come; there is no allegory but a manifestation. It first talks of things to come; now we talk of his manifestation. This is the justification of the Lord; yeah it pleased the Lord to bruise him for he borne the sins of many, like giving one cheek to the smarter so also was sin unto him. For the transgression of my people was he stricken and this was the transgression of those people, their allegiance with Babylon the harlot. Even nowadays I can see the sin of my people tallying allegorically with that of Israel then. Christ hated their sin but the people, the sheep of his pasture, he sought, the lost sheep of Israel. For this reason he was manifested.
And the Cross fulfilled the words of the prophecy, justifying and attesting to the prophecy to be true. “When thou shall make his soul an offering for sin” of a truth the cross is a cup he can not but drink, this he knows for he has already prophesy, foretold his resurrection from the grave. This is not what he was anguishing about in Gethsemane.
It will sound rather absurd to say that Christ went to the cross with joy; nevertheless he was never far from it; he knows the joy, victory and glory awaiting him, his joy, is the end has come; the final blow. Many will be offended by what was said earlier, that Christ was like the high priest, him being a high priest of our profession; first; he was atoned then atoned the whole world. But his priesthood was after the act of Melchizedek (King of righteousness) because he bore the punishment of wickedness and the sin the cross is a blot; a curse which was washed away with his own blood. This is the will of God.
The book is focused upon the blood, the doctrine relating to the blood: In here, effort has been made to stretch the understanding of the spirit and flesh on the issues relating to the blood; atonement, sacrifice and the work of the cross. This book clings to more than the commandment, establishing more the doctrines of the law; this being the reason that, in foresight of a better, sound understanding, the source of every other doctrine was the Ten Commandments, being that it clings unto the Ten Commandments, did not leave or annul it.
So when I trace back to the doctrine of the blood to the Old Testament; the book of the law (Torah) to establish a sound foundation of the doctrine and also give understanding to the simple. Where the branch comes from is never to be referred, as some will do to their latter shame, these have no understanding, nor have their hearts been indented with wisdom relating to the commandment and the law.
Pre-eminent is that I notch as an advice that therefore the burden of the law is not meant to be carried as we live under grace, yet still under the law; but grace is in abundance which delivers from the flaming sword of the law. It is true that the law came by Moses and grace by Jesus Christ yet none of the two is taken away. In our blindness we foresee the law as been taken away and grace rest in its stead. This is out of understanding; because grace was given because of the law. We were graced from the law, therefore if there is no law there is no sin, then you have no situation, circumstances to apply, to warrant grace. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is applied while we are in sin; this is the work of the cross. But the grace of God is for the righteous, this I still baffled about; not for long but a short time; if you be righteous then you have no part in sin, this I conclude and wonder what use is grace for a righteous man. But God is wiser, if he pleases him and gives grace to the righteous to confound the wicked, who dare judge him. Like talking about the mind of God to instruct him or counsel him but as he saw nor to instruct nor counsel him he did his pleasure. Or whom among him that is born of a woman was there before the mountains take shape or the ways of the rain in the cloud, how water got to be above the earth to cause rain upon us. It has been raining form the fountain of the earth and still the storehouse of rain has never been found wanting in the heavens.
Now, of the knowledge and understanding of the spirit and flesh: We know and as witnessed to in the scripture by whom was in the presence of the father and he said, “God is a spirit.” And of good understanding is that man is flesh, nevertheless God has giving us of his Spirit and the spirit of his Son; these are one. The spirit of God dwells in us; in flesh, making us (man) a spiritual house: The body is far more than food.
What cause then to wrestle the flesh and spirit? Why is there no harmony? This, of course, is not of man but of the work of alienation from what is spiritual, to divide the house from him that dwells within. For this cause, spiritual understanding is sought more than that of the flesh because of the knowledge that it is receiving from the spirit of God. And further, for the flesh to move and walk in the realm of the Spirit is of greater advantage; for we would have eliminated the lust of the flesh to yield to the spirit, to God.
Blood, in deeper consideration, physical knowledge of it in the body, it abides in the flesh and was born with man. I have never seen a man born without blood in his flesh. If there be, I am yet to know of such. The blood in the body is of a phenomenon, water in the body can still be accounted for, but blood was there from birth. Even of the biological fact of the formation of blood is to be true nevertheless, the occurrence of such still remain a phenomenon in a day old baby.
Blood is physical; the same goes to water, there present within the framework of the body of the flesh is never to belittle.
The scripture teaches the blood not in the more physical perception of its indwelling in the body. But the scripture teaches the blood, extending its scope beyond the obvious observation, both of its color and nature. At the on-set of the doctrine of this book, an illustration of the bible knowledge was made enunciating on the different areas of the bible. First, start with adoration of God in vastness of knowledge. Being the source of knowledge, who compasses all things present to our observation and out of wonder we explore their nature and work. From genesis to revelation, beginning to the end, more references were made to the psalmist; the king David, He was held in much regard for his praises to the sovereign God. And his work, psalms was quote most to explore, divide rightly and expatiate the subject in view.
The relationship between the LORD and his anointed, King David, in a more accurate analytical view, it leave no room to eliminate the law and the commandment. The thought or act of doing so, will be a result of darkened knowledge and understanding of the relationship of King David with God.
At some point an illustration was made of his life, regarding a trespass he did with Bathsheba and the judgement of God as related to this matter. God loves judgement and a good weight he desire. Consequently, talking about the knowledge of God, in conjunction with his relationship, appointment of his servant, this book stretch the understanding thereof that it is the fore-knowledge of God which precede ahead of his works. Example was made of the anointing of David as king over Israel. Saul the King, even our LORD Jesus Christ could be sighted as adequate reference of the foreknowledge of God at his work. This was established through quotation of various verses of the bible to bring to the understanding the predestination of God. Predestination as in coming forth from foreknowledge, then sanctification, justification and glorification. Together they connote a predestination act of God. Which was said to confound a very common sense that; God elect according to his wishes. Although this is not far from the truth but it does deviate from the truth and as most bible scholar will suggest, a little deviation from the truth is not of God’s perfection, the devil infiltrate through this kind of medium.
Writing this book, the doctrine was first shocking, then illuminations come with more understanding. Seeing the powers that surround me, the manifestation of spirits, the spirit, and their presence while writing, the judgement, and justification, not to say the least condemnation. But being justified by the truth, I knowing the mouth and voice of the condemer, their thought towards me, above all seeing that there is a lack of understanding, I settled it within me to fulfilled a long awaiting desire and break the bond that entangle me.
This I know; if our heart condemns us not, then we have confident towards God, but if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart. I seeing the faith of the spirit and still filled with anointing which was under which I wrote, lightened with inspiration that bolded me. I sought for boldness with dedication so as to concludes the book. There was lot of wrestling, seeing the spiritual forces at work, those that were witnessing to the word, out of lies to deceive and thus wrestle with my person with a sure affirmation that they know the truth. I was baffled, at times confused that can what is false witness to the truth. It was wrong a total deceitful way of guilt, which leads to condemnation. Their manifestation was to deceive, defiling the truth. This I consider sought out the true wisdom of God and that of the WORD. Doing this I was able to confound the pride of the wicked.
After much observation of the movement of the spirit, this was enough to take me to the limit, the extreme. While the word was still honey to my lip and my delight day and night. Was when the eye of my understanding was opened, when I was able to write in love, milking upon every line of the word.
The knowledge contain in here confound the knowledge of the wise and thus seeing the travailing of the rebellion spirit whom were contending with me each day, they endeavor to wrest me.
I observe their many struggles, they did eat the word like I did, milking with me strenuously but what kept them down was the desire to deceive, the lust to rule over. While this was still on. I rejoice much in this predicament while yet the sorrow and pain did remain but my joy is in the secret of my heart and soul. ‘Anger lay in the belly of a fool’ thanks be to God, though I have reason to be angry, yet I was made glad in grieve. There was a day I heard the prince of the air call the name of Jesus, shockingly, to everyone bewilder, he does not use to until this day, even though it did not last long before he was back to his former state. He did it to set me at array, seeing my weakness, and he being giving boldness. I wept within me, but yet daily I observed daily his much struggle to hold himself up above me. Many time I laughed at there only desire, is being above up in the air, their lust is to rule, which today they exit and tomorrow they were gone, like the wind. ‘He that rule must be righteous’ therefore I asked; can righteousness be obtain through wickedness? What is bad can not be made right. I wonder how long it took him to contend the name he first called to held someone bound. He deceive many to my hearing through manipulated ways; the knowledge of the wicked. Many prince did exist in the air of course but he was a prominent one ‘ we have been made prince and king unto his father even our God. I saw many been led astray by him because they lack knowledge and many chose to do wickedness so as to be bold, to gain more authority; this is lack of understanding. They know not that the wicked are set in slippery paths.
Wickedness was notched in sentences in the first chapter of this book. Eve was cited as the procreator of wickedness: this progresses and was divulge from the exploration into the occurrence of the event in the Garden of Eden. An act of Eve was examined carefully and by the power of the anointing it was discovered to be wickedness. If we were to anticipate the imminent approach she was to take after discovering that she had did wrong. And thus judging from her deeds afterward, it wasn’t wrong to sight wickedness in her. And I who through the spirit while in the spirit had witness to an occurrence relating Eve to wickedness. And this wickedness, in the prophets was connoted to be a woman. She was put in an Ephah and a lead was put on it, and was carried by two angels upon the wind to a hidden place between the heaven and the earth.
It is quite apparent in the book through –out, the scripture was used often. In most explanation at time it was done purely with lines upon lines of the scripture and precepts upon precepts of the statute to bring to the understanding the spiritual understanding of the doctrine at hand. Therefore, through this means eliminating the canal understanding of the word of God and the doctrine at hand. Moreover, due to the presence of the spirit around me, of whom I have talked of some of them but not to disregard the quite listener to every request; the present help in time of trouble. However, those that were more prominent, even to the touching of my skin requested my use and equal division of the word to show sound understanding and prove a good workmanship who equally dividing the word of truth. Above this, this is the way of the spirit; whereby eliminating heresies and feeble that will turn away from the truth of the gospel. Exploring the scripture, has it never been done before confounding the knowledge of the teachers, set at null the student. It belittles the wisdom of the flesh while bringing down an understanding, a mind of the spirit, the ways of the spirit down into the flesh. I draw from the spirit to give to the flesh. Like David said; And man eat angel food’ it was like in the wilderness, and all flesh were scattered about seeking where to hide from the fire of the word. When it descended from the spirit into the flesh, just like mounts Sanai when Isreal flee from the mountain. This was and is the mind of the spirit according to the understanding of the scripture, for it is written; we have the mind of Christ.
From Eden it was drawn out that the creation of man in God own image and likeness, connote another nature of God. And the woman is thus referred to as the womb of a man. Making them become part of the man, it is of the flesh and bone but not of the spirit. The spirit defers; God breathes into the woman the breath of life likewise the man. Nevertheless, it was enunciated that the authority of the man is first established in the spirit. Man being the figure of the Godhead.
Reckon it highly expedience to voice out of the first Adam at the same time the second Adam. Which is which? Was Adam, made of the dust by the creative hand of God, made flesh as become unto every man, is and was the first Adam. With regard made frequently to Christ as the second Adam. Adam is truly the first Adam according to the witness into the Flesh. But Christ speaking said; ‘why do you call me the son of David? If David in the spirit call him Lord. ‘The Lord said to my Lord sit down at my right hand until I make all your enemies your footstool. Who has been from the beginning, how then could he be the second Adam. I reckon this to be an understanding shortsighted of the spiritual understanding. For we speak of the things in the spirit as if they were physical, thereby, calling the things that were non as if they were.
Christ was before Adam, for it was written; in the beginning was the word and the word was with God. The same was with God from the beginning and through him all things were made and without him nothing was made that were made: And the word became flesh and dwell among us; and we behold his glory as of the glory of the only begotten of the father, who was in the bosom of the father. St.John1:1&14.
Therefore, the connotation of Christ as the second Adam is of the understanding of the flesh; of his physical manifestation of God. Indeed, the word of God was manifested in the flesh, made unto a man and this is whom was thus referred to as the second Adam who was made a quicken spirit. Therefore, likewise us, if we talk of the things of the spirit as if they be physical, we will not reckon him to be second Adam as they that called him the son of David. Or what should we say; Are this two not doing the same thing differently, him that swear by God and him that swear by heaven.
Speaking expressly on the temptation of Jesus Christ, of the things that were written and witnessed to in the spirit. Which was of the spirit, to the flesh. Jesus was led into the wilderness, to be tempted by the Devil, he fasted on the mountain Sinai; this is the mountain that the glory of God descended with walls of fire in the wilderness to give the ten commandment. One temptation, I quote to have been ordained from heaven and that is the temptation of Job. Ordination of an occurrence from heaven means the event or perpetrator of that event must have presented himself before God; the accuser of our brethren. Until Christ was manifested in the flesh, the accuser still present himself before God to accuse man before him. Like in the case of Job, but since the manifestation of Christ he was denial the asses into the presence of God, not that only but he was cast down. Jesus speaking on this account said; ’I have seen the devil cast down from heaven like a thunder, behold I have giving you power to trample upon serpent and scorpion and every powers of the enemy.
At the temptation of Job there we heard Satan said: Put forth your hand upon him and see if he won’t curse you to your face. Job 2:5,1:9-12
God knew job righteousness, just like he knew the righteousness of Christ. After that of Job the rest and other temptation was as the result of the rage of the world. So were the sons of God manifested to reveal and destroy the works of the devil.
From the introduction pages onward, the content of the book might produce an interrogative and judgmental compossition of the written knowledge of God. Rather it is a search into the inward part of the word, to learn all the mysteries of the knowledge of God and the word and thus discerning the truth and the spirit. You that read understand, knowing therefore that the understanding of the LORD is infinity; it is deep as his thought, a brutish man will not know it, neither does a fool understand it. In there, at a point I was compel to notch a word as to your attitude toward the content of the book, likewise prayed towards a good understanding, nevertheless, I am able to answer any question that might arises from the book as to the understanding. But of the spiritual powers that might be entangled with the knowledge of this book, many are they that were awaiting for the release and distribution of this book which has been in the spirit for quite a time now; a cause for various provocation and confrontation.
Although I could not boast of all knowledge of the spirits and spiritual bodies. Moreover I have not been able to adequately compile any such knowledge together. Once I have put pen to paper on a few spiritual awareness but seeing that it will not be to your advantage or any benefit to you and of spiritual strength I desist from it. Spiritual handicap is of no use to anybody.
Flesh and blood, a word drawn from the scripture itself. The amalgamation of the two words, in words or in abstract, in any physical entity will produce a living being. Yet distinctively, they were different; flesh and blood means, obviously perceptively, the composition and state of physical manifestation of every living beings that exist upon the earth. In the early part of the scripture, all creation upon the soil; which walk by the path of the sea were called flesh and blood. This is mostly in the Pentateuch. Looking further into the scripture, all focuses were lost on the animals the gospel speaks expressively directly to man. In there men were focused on directly and referred to mainly as flesh and blood. The gospel of the New Testament is the gospel of salvation from the bondage of sin, rule of the darkness, salvation is light to our path to lead us to God-Liberty, our father; where the spirit of the lord is, there is liberty. Salvation was made for man after the fall from Eden and evil fill the face of the earth. The Son of God offered himself up to deliver man from darkness and lead them back to God. Attempt has been made previously to save the earth from the evil that fill it. God was grieved and thus made he a way of salvation through Noah. On this attempt, all living being were held in focus; everything that exist upon the earth, all flesh and blood. The difference variance of all living creature being combinely referred to as flesh and blood dispute not with man being in the focus as flesh and blood. At the manifestation of the Son of God; yielding to the authority that exist thence, wherefore, a new flesh was made which was not of the dust but of the word. A good point of accountability, eliminating animal from focus as flesh and blood. Nevertheless, there is no other connotation to give them otherwise but of what they have been made of; flesh and blood according to the creation from dust. They share not in the divine, spiritual manifestation of the word in flesh, recreating man from their earthly heritage to an eternal heritage. Somewhere, in the scripture it says of man that even though you were god yet you shall die like every flesh. Also differentiating between man and animal speak forth the Poet king Solomon; ‘who knows the spirit of a man which ascend unto God And that of animal which goes to the ground’.
Perceivable, the first outcome, wake of all flesh and blood were from the dust. At creation; as it was written God created all living creature, which walk by the path of the sea from the dust. He called them out of the dust of ground, though by the spoken word, yet from the ground they were made from. If they were not made from the ground; they assuredly will not return to the dust.
Flesh and blood is two distinctively separate entities according to the spiritual deposition. Relatively, the flesh does not have or is not meant to have a spiritual pertinent. It is completely out of the knowledge and act of God, for flesh to be apportion pertinence. That knowledge is not worth taking heed to, and should be enshawn. The flesh is of physical pertinence, it is of the earth, this reason make the son of God to manifest in flesh. The blood on the other hand is a witness, speaking of its spiritual pertinent, which manifested and acknowledge in the body. The blood gives life to the flesh, the blood witness to the flesh. And as to every witness that gives life and witness to the world are from God: so also the blood can be connoted equally to the spirit, to proceed from the presence of God.
All things has been laid down and established in heaven and there movement, not to cause them to be or act on man/flesh, even all flesh require a drastic movement of the heaven and the earth ‘till heaven and earth Pass away’.
The life giving factor of the blood was acknowledge in the flesh but its spiritual pertinence to have proceed from the presence of God is not acknowledge nor witnessed in and by the flesh. But as we gain knowledge of the things of the spirit, likewise, gained we knowledge as established from the beginning and taught by the scripture, the knowledge of the spiritual pertinence of the blood. This thus expanding on life giving factor; the spirit gives life also, to the flesh in a spiritual revelation for them born of the water and the spirit. But of such born of woman; of flesh and the blood, the blood gives life.
Now of the spiritual pertinent of the blood, believed to be compiled mainly and purely of the cleansing of sin. This thus explained in relevance to the sprinkling of the blood upon the altar. The atonement, wrath symbolism of the blood also depicts a spiritual pertinence.
There is an affirmation of a fact, wherefore; I could not be quoted wrong on the equal connotation of the blood and the spirit pertaining to its spiritual pertinence. This affirmative fact can be obtained from the voice of the blood.
The voice of the blood speaks expressly of utterances, speech and words uttered by the blood; this was achieved expatiating relatively in detail to reveal a spiritual essence contain in the blood. How could the blood speak? Who gave utterances to the blood? Very absurd to consume, nevertheless, it is a spiritual truth.
The voice of the blood, much references, elaborated view was giving to state the fact that the utterance of the blood was for vengeance, revenge, moreover, of the rage, wrath of the blood. For precious in his presence is the blood of his anointed. The avenging of the blood was related to the vengeance of the blood in recompense. The blood was characterized with a personality of God; the voice of the blood at the death of a man citing Abel as example, looking at the condition and likewise, envisage the words the blood of Abel will utter to God.
There is a cry in the spirit, there come from the ground the voice of a righteous man, from the ground where it has been shed come forth: A voice; sorrowful, a mourn, and the soul cry for revenge. The ground open up to swallow the blood of a righteous, in due course, while it yet in the ground. it gave a yell and above the voices in the heavens. God hears the voice of a cry from the hallow of the earth, a mourn, it might be, still he hears. Utterances of the blood. Very distinctive is this voice to be heard above all jubilant noises in the spirit.
Similar distinctive voice was heard upon the altar in the atonement. Or reckon the atonement to be the silence of the lamb?
The lamb can be silent: this I mean the animal offered up in sacrifice, but the human do utter speech and as it has been written regarding the atoning power of the blood of Jesus Christ; it was said it speaks better things than that of Abel. Where Abel was crying and reporting his brother, asking for recompense, that of Christ was saying; Father forgive them for they know not what they were doing. Typical of the Lamb of God who came to take away the sin of the world. Conclusively, the voice of the blood, speak out of righteousness; the blood speaks in righteousness: Let the wicked be silent in their grave.
Who was that that asked; why should blood be shed? or why was blood shed?.
Almost everybody should be able to answer this posing question. It poses no more difficulty at giving ones obvious knowledgeable reply on the question of why should blood be shed. A pressing reply to the question, writing on the sole of each individual heart will be that blood was shed for the forgiveness of sin. This is not far from the truth, however, in the beginning, the tool that drives the hand of blood shedding is sin. The presence of sin, even blood shedding is a sin also sanctified blood is shed because there is sin. This speaking of the blood of sacrifice of the atonement which is not done until the sprinkling of the blood.
But of the blood of man, it was shed because that soul has sin. The soul that sin shall die. In the beginning of the act, blood was not shed so as to make atonement but even then, atonement came because of the presence of sin. So when asked why should blood be shed the hidden reply that will adequately fix into the blank spot will be that sin may be eliminated and evil remove from your midst.
However, this wasn’t put rightly this way in the content of the book under the subtitle of ‘why should blood be shed? Not much effort could be made to impart a stunning doctrinal value on this subject. The death of Christ was as a result of sin, moreover, what warrant his crucifixion was an accusation of sin; the sin of blasphemy. Without the accusation of a sin, there will be no ground for his crucifixion. And of the salvation of the world through his death, that was paid with his blood, this also came to be ordained because of the presence of sin.
If there is no sin then there be no need of righteousness or the need to shed blood of any kind. Therefore, atonement is explained thus as the act that took place after the blood is shed. Atonement is not the shedding of the blood or killing of the Ram. But atonement happened, initiated after the shedding of the blood. The sprinkling of the blood is the ordination of atonement.
God prefer a living sacrifice, than a dead sacrifice; the shedding of blood is not pleasing to the LORD, it is an iniquity, but as to eradicate evil from the presence of the LORD the soul that sin are put to death.
Astounding, this was ordained from the beginning, death to be the wages of sin. From the earlier stage the LORD has make it obvious that the soul that sin shall die. When he commanded Adam and Eve, touch not nor eat of the fruit of this tree, for the day you do so, you shall die.Gen.2:16-17.
This being a matter of statement, yet it was an affirmative statement and the will of God that soul that sin should die.
That life has been contaminated, it has spot and can not stand in the presence of God because he can not behold sin, it is no more to be reckon with God as life, there is a blemish.
The controversial that still looms at the heart of most of us is of the physical outcome of the word of God upon Adam and Eve as to death after eating the fruit. I am not in the position to eke out an elaborated reason why they died not. It wasn’t written that they died, however, they were prevented from taking to eat of the fruit of life. In no short form or extensive form did their expulsion from the garden and deprivation from the fruit of life resulted in death of any kind either physical or spiritual.
There eyes that were opened and thus the realization that they were naked was the entrant of knowledge into them. Knowledge is light to the soul, where they see not prior to the eating of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. They then were able to see and to observe their own nakedness. God saw the knowledge in them; he saw their eyes opened where they were blinded before and God said; Man is become like one of us, knowing good and evil. Gen.3:22.
Bounded with a curse, they were sent out from the garden. Eden was lost, paradise denied, striving and suffering, sorrow and tears, pain and travailing comes about, which was outside Eden eventually they shall die; death reign outside Eden. The life span of man began to decrease since then henceforth, limitation enter into man with the opening of their eyes. Fright enters where there was non before. ‘It will be totally absurd, wrong to say that the serpent was right. Eventually, man died, where there was no traces of death. Therefore, this eventual death of man does not uphold the word that has been spoken before hand that the day you eat you shall die. Wherefore, they died not that day but the eventual death was the outcome of the later declaration of truth upon them by God. Where he said thus; for dust you were and dust you shall return.
This latter word affirms more the end result of man: it talks of the future not the present; this same word enunciated profess the rising of man and the end was equitable proportioned to be as the rising. In no admitable way does the latter word; which speaks of future pre-conception tally with the formal that was meant to be instantaneous, this were two words which lead to the same way.
And from Eden till Jerusalem, the auction of death upon man, is the sin thereof and this tells the reason why blood should be shed.
In the atonement of sin, what precede prior to the commission of the atonement. The sacrificial initiation were steps to empower, sanctify the act as worth of its purpose in atoning the sin of man or otherwise stated the completion of this sacrificial act to the sprinkling of the blood upon the alter is suitable enough in representing the blood of sinners upon the earth.
Symbolically, the atoning power of Christ was said to be initiated and concluded upon the cross of Calvary without the presence of the priest and the alter, his blood was sprinkled upon the ground where it was shed with water which does the cleansing of the soul. The part of this book that warrant its writing, this fuel which empower the inquisition of the spirit into the scripture, to warrant the writing of this book. In a nutshell, it stands unmovable as the heart of the book. The view relating to the blood of Jesus Christ. Intention behind the writing of this book, which the author embrace; pertaining to the ceremonial application and understanding of the church in the course of pleading the blood. This compass an indulgence which does not enrich nor eliminate the shadow of sacrifice that the death of Christ and the gospel of the new testament was established for. It studied a flamboyant display of the believer in short- sighted to disperse out the blood of Christ.
They did not eliminate the shadow of sacrifice that is still associated with the blood, to implement it as tangible spiritual warfare tool. Display through the word but otherwise, they embrace a more real elaborated display in sprinkling the blood. In the old testament days, the sprinkling of the blood was done upon the alter to initiate forgiveness: this is known as the way of
Atonement. But when it is done and sprinkled not on the alter but all around you, even symbolically, using it as ensign upon oneself, in a simple distinct deceivable way that defile the doctrine related to the new testament.
Not on me is an outburst made for deliverance from a curse. At the opening of the eye, in gaining knowledge of the way of the blood. As said not on me is a cry to ward away the curse of the blood. As the priest and the congregation stood and he speaking for the people in the presence of Herod and also in the presence of Pilate he said: let his blood be upon us, our children and children children. That is a generational curse.
They sworn to their hurt on the blood of the innocent deceitfully, to their own hurt and make it worst they bring it upon their house and their generation. Assuredly, this display a lack of knowledge of the high priest. Did he not hear in the prophets Ezekiel which says; ‘it is the soul that sin that shall die’.
But as to making a vow, be not hasty in vowing a vow, or opening your mouth before the LORD for he is in heaven and you are upon the earth. It is better not to vow or sworn deceitfully than not pay it. Not paying is the sin thereof. Therefore, in a fore-sight of the eventuality of the impertation of the blood upon the earth and on a person with the mind of the earlier off-set established doctrines of the blood in the formal days. Sighting the mind upon the vocal, now written messages of the prophets; the teaching of Jesus Christ fell short in collaborating to hold fast this said doctrines but deviate a fraction to lay down a different one . we could not reject this but search for the understanding of it more, either in the content of the scripture or in the spirit to apprehend the spiritual value of his teaching on the blood.
The spiritual value in revelation of the truth of the spirit, the truth of the message in the spirit; knowing Christ, who speaks of the things done in the spirit, which exist in the spirit like they were in the physical: or speaking in plain language for you to understand the best he could come up with is a parable; ‘for you the mystery of the kingdom of God is giving but to them it is not’. Not all can receive the message of the kingdom of God except for those it is meant for.
I must confess this that the whole New Testament looks toward heaven, a window into the spiritual habitation, into heaven; if one is to passionately, embrace the teaching of Christ in the synoptic gospels.
There is a clause in the subject value of the subtitle; Not on me, it did not speak expressly to affirmatively direct the subject to its source: this was left for latter passages of the book before the focus; the heart of the chapter come out which has been taken away from it own content. In the chapter a more wider scope of the scripture was challenged and treated. It is reaching for knowledge- Epistemology.
What the blood stand for: as to the subject matter to be touched, the same attitude was put into this chapter which spread its horizon above the subject treated to bring into understanding more parts of the scripture, shedding light unto the path of the scriptural understanding from the light of the word.
The work of the atonement is treated, stating the focus of the doctrine established by this book.
Heaven is not physically seen, but we can see it through the eye of the spirit by faith: this tell us that heaven is spiritual; all the host of heaven were not seen with our naked eyes: they were all spiritual; this thus evaluate the named writing of the new testament of things done in heaven. The things done in heaven as writing in the new testament were things of the spirit, spiritually discerned ; not acknowledge in the body.
With this view we look forward to the manifestation of this things which has been said to have taken place in the spirit. This we talk of the New testament of the revelation of the thing which do take place in the spirit and has been said to have taken place in the spirit. Moreover, the book of revelation is another spiritual occurrence which is yet to be manifested.
The blood stands for more than the atonement, which seen to be the obvious well absorbed act of the blood. Of all other things either symbolic or visible which the blood stand for. One things explicitly contradict the whole known scriptural doctrine related to the blood, it explore further beyond the old testament doctrine and with such flabbergastedness, declare his act which loom out opposing the laid down doctrines, law on the use of the blood.
In the gospel according to St. John, he witness therein of the word of our LORd Jesus Christ where he teaches and said; verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye eat the flesh of the son of men and drink his blood ye have no life in you’. John6:53.
We could conclude or assume that he speaks here allegorically, also talking of the things of the spirit as they were real, things to be, to come to pass in the latter days. A symbolic metaphorical speech could be drawn out of this. Nevertheless, as the affirmative clause attached to the speech; verily, verily, meaning Truly, Truly.
This connotes the speech to be exact meaning of the utterance. But even though it was an exact meaning, still it contain the body of symbolism, shadow of things to come. Understanding this thus as was put forward; this is the bread which come down from heaven that man may eat thereof and not die.
Now here is the allegorical figures of the speech: the bread of heaven; that come from heaven; why is this speech an allegory, symbolizing a different thing. Wherefore, it was referred to as metaphorical speech, Not that there is no abstract of truth in the sentence; there is, but it has been annul as to be inferior to this present heavenly descent bread: ‘The manna that came from heaven’ and was counted inferior to this present bread; in that they that eat it died. But the bread which I talk of, him that eat it shall live through it. They shall not die but live; even though they die yet shall they live, for I will rise them up on the last day.
Manna is not the allegory, it is the first bread from heaven, physical in appearance and consumable. Although, the bread he talks of is likewise consumable in such amazing way, because he talks of his flesh as bread and his blood as drink.
How amazing could he get that a man should offer up his own flesh to be consumed.
As desperate measure, in total famine period, most will have cherished this bread reluctantly. This I have not witnessed in real life except in movies.
But why should anybody offer his flesh to be eating as meat when there is food available to be eaten; speaking foolishly, as unlearn, spiritually, the word became flesh; this is the bread from heaven. The word lives eternally, and while in the flesh remain……………………………
Still the eating of the word as meat still remain an allegory, but being in the flesh, does it has a tangible visible, capacity of consumption.?
With this in mind, at the Passover, he altogether, offer his blood and flesh out as meat and drink symbolically: as wine and unleavened bread.
In this manner, to connote the blood as wine and the flesh he talk of as unleavened bread is purely making example of his deed. ‘for also it was written that he is our Passover lamb.
But some spiritually oriented mind will look at the flesh in content of the word becoming flesh and the blood being the figure of speech to depict the Holy Spirit. The blood gives life to the flesh likewise the spirit by the Holy Spirit gives life to the flesh.
A general view, observe throughout is that the blood is an allegory of the pure grape of the Vine (wine). This is where the shadow of the bread from heaven and the drinking of the blood exist. Meanwhile, looking in the content of the word and the law, the law cited a different opinion to the drinking of the blood which this precept oppose.
The word said; for my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed’. Can not be argue with in any way. For it is not an abstract of truth but a whole truth. Truly, the flesh is meat either of man or of beast and likewise the blood is drink in the same way.
Consequently, he that eat my flesh and drink my blood dwell in me, and I in him. Jhn.6:56.
Don’t challenge the purity of the truth of this speech. Where this can be depicted as, he that dwell in the word and the word dwell in him. Jhn.15:7.
To view this act of the flesh and blood of Jesus in eating and drinking in light of the law. It is obvious that they were against the laid doctrines of the law. The law says; eat not the blood with the flesh, whereby, where it was said except you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, ye have no life.
This is of the New Testament, and has thus deviate from the law, old testament.
If we were to look at the content of this words in this light, there is great possibility of disregarding the content of this speech which is also a doctrine; a different act.
However, due to the knowledge of the symbolic outlook, whereby, we look at it in light of spiritual discernment, spiritual understanding and symbolic figure of other materials. We were able to keep the value of the teaching that we might not be continuously asking; how can we eat your flesh?
But we gain knowledge of this through the word, not looking at the astonishing of the speech. Therefore, I submit, in light of a fore-seeable revelation that this speech has not gain a total root in the heart and mind of each scripture student scholar. And the spiritual understanding of it therefore still remain not adequate enough to fill our thirsty soul for a deeper revelation.
This part of the bible in the new testament, radiate differently from the other doctrines of the blood. Continuously, calling the attention to what type of understanding might still be hidden in this words. The call of eternal life attached to this words bear a strong cord of empowerment. If my words be in you and I dwell in you, you shall ask whatever you wish and shall be done unto you. this differ from making word become flesh through the spirit.
Great effort has been taken to show good understanding of the doctrine treated in this book. More words, for understanding were added to lighten; illuminate the understanding of the mind on the issue of the blood of Jesus Christ.
So far we have been through the scripture, through precepts and lines through lines.
A man died over two thousand years ago, now his death imparted the whole kindred and nations of the earth.
The path his blood took is what we were dwelling in nowadays and we await for the manifestation of the fullest of the work of the cross.
So Far, no one has identify precisely the hands on the blood till now.
At Pentecost, Peter stood up with the eleven, lifted up his voice and address the men of Judea. He enlighten them upon the event that bring Pentecost about.
And talking he said; ye men of Isreal, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know.
Him being deliver by the determinate counsel and fore-knowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain.
Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be Holden of it.
In Peter’s address, he made aware that Christ was crucified by wicked hands. Although, there is a determined, fore-knowledge of God. This being the cause for the cry in the garden of Gethsemane.
Hands on the blood is derived from the message of the LORD through the prophet Isaiah to the house of Jacob.
And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you; ye, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear; your hands are full of blood.
From verses of the psalm, it says of them that will be called to dwell on the mountain of the LORD; in his presence, they that has a clean hand. Likewise, in Ezekiel, the prophets, it says of the land being full of Blood.
Hands full of blood is word relating to the souls the hand has killed; even the land is full of blood, both is an abomination to the LORD.
In the death of Christ the HANDS ON THE BLOOD, which then after create THE PATH OF THE BLOOD, although, there was a fore-knowledge, predestinate, determination of God.
However, the hands on the blood of Christ, after he said, this is your time powers of darkness. We saw those that pursue his death, being the messenger of this called powers. This is translated as their manifestation.
But Christ said, why come for me now, I have been with you all long, teaching in your presence in the temple and synagogue, you never seize me then. Christ fell into the hands of people, whom he grew up among; surely, a prophet has no honor in his own house.
Among his sheep whom he feeds everyday, with the fresh bread from heaven, still at the dark hour, they rejected him.
Hands on the blood conclude that the same people he came for, he was to die for, he offered grace unto, turn on him and crucified him.
In the light of this occurrence, we look at the churches nowadays, being his sheep fold, his pasture and people, his house hold; then we asked the question; Are we not crucifying Christ everyday of our lives ?
The death of Christ came from within the chain of the temple or synagogue, translating to today language will mean the same as the church.
If perchance, there should be a requisition for blood, they have a focus to look, being the center of all spiritual warfare. They being not prayerful fall into temptation. Christ said; pray and watch that you fall not into temptation.
As to all spirit filled believers, those that set their mind more upon the spiritual things than the physical. They set their mind and heart more on heavenly things than the earthly, seeking more after righteousness, faith, salvation and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit; of the saint in light, just like Christ Jesus will appear upon mountain Olivetti with his saint.
Very prominent among them that they should have an experience of the manifestation of the spirit.
In walking in the spirit and communication in the spirit, they would have built up a spiritual stronghold, an empire of revelation, vision and divers manifestation of the spirit, either in the flesh or in the body of their spiritual form.
In the light of my spiritual experience, of day and life in the spirit, relatively, this will show a more experienced spiritual relation and understanding of the spiritual things and the scripture.
Spiritual knowledge differ entirely from the knowledge of the scripture. However, in a case where the indwelling in the word amalgamate with the indwelling in the spirit, either in agreement with the spirit or at war. Nevertheless, there is a good understanding than them of the flesh and more revelation likewise.
Those that is born of the flesh is of the flesh and those that be born of the spirit is of the spirit.
I have a case, whereby, a spirit born, spirit filled individual is being converted into the flesh, who has heard of such things.
The flesh war against the spirit and not the spirit against the flesh, for the law of the spirit connote peace, and the fruit of the spirit is love, peace and joy ……………..
War started first in the flesh before what we know as spiritual warfare can be called into effect.
What first took the form of the flesh in the heavenly; of the celestial bodies, the angelic ministries which rose up to exalt their dominion above that of God; in rebellion to the authority of God; This is the work of the flesh. For in this likewise it was written ; the spirit of rebellion is worst than the spirit of witchcraft.
Wherefore, it has been ordained that let not the witch live; what then is the hope of the rebellion. But the rebellion as it was said, shall dwell in desolate places.
This are signs of the authorities that rule in the flesh, they make their ensignment in the flesh, lusteth after flesh; they are sin and their desire is of the flesh; man.
This being reason they were of the flesh and thus likewise referred to as works of the flesh.
When I speak of spiritual warfare within my border; of friend and acquaintance and relatives being a spiritual company; I spoke of wars and the revelation of the secrets of the hearts of them that be with you.
The lies of the spirit will not go a mile before you know that you have been blatantly lied to. It is quite hard for the spirit to carry on a pretend for long without revealing its true nature. If you have heard of the revelation and manifestation the acts of the spirit; a spiritual based mind will discern the course of his life by the type of the spirit abiding with him. Not life only but of people around him, activities, and involvement with occurrence.
And this signs shall follow them that believe; although signs be of very little degree yet they count to much in discernment of the habiting spirits.
But I reveal to you a new spiritual habitation of the fullest of the will and power of God. The promise that comes with the signs are of a mission but the habitation of the spirit is of the fullest of the spirit.
Great delight will it be to hear the voice of your friends whom were in the spirit with you. this type of things has merely been spoken of as of the act of the heart not of the spiritual manifestation.
There is much danger in this type of spiritual environment, getting involve and remaining in this spiritual environment might spell a great danger. Nevertheless, it could spell a very good benefit when handled properly through divine knowledge of the spiritual authority that takes precedents over this environment; spirit of men.
To make good use of this type of spiritual environment, there has to be the present of good output of knowledge, with boldness to confront any spiritual bodies; however, the divine intervention of God, heavenly bodies will be a good assurance of leading into salvation.
To see the spirit of man descend down into destruction like that of animal or crawling like a serpent. To observe the manipulation of authorities through deceits which resulted from too familiarity with the man in question, where a spiritual bodies seeks or lusted after ruling over you more than anything is a warfare called. This is not spirit but works of the flesh, this is an enemy.
The deeds of the man manifesting in the spirit, therefore designating the ways of the spirit. Where the spirit has no sufficient or lack the knowledge to lift him up above the lust and deeds of the flesh. Otherwise, the faith, boldness,to confront the accusers and condemers which exist within the spiritual walls.
Of the authorities, and powers that exist within the spiritual walls which might be leading this bodies like a shepherd while other deceiving them into condemnation.
So the words of the prophets, herald which says; my people are being destroyed for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6.
Truly, it was said that he that is above is above all. But this id done through righteousness, faith, by deeds and not by wickedness or deceitful maneuver.
Even some might get to be above through deceitful and wickedness but their days were numbered. Because true is the word that says; the wicked were set in slippery places; they abide for a little time, soon they were no more, they were carried away like the wind.
Our heavenly father, hallowed be your name;
In sin are I was born and in sin did my mother brought me out,
But Christ has died and by his blood, I have grace and forgiveness,
And as the blood speaks likewise of better things, as the same blood also,
Stand for me against the enemies of my soul, I pray that the blood will speak on my behalf of better things because I know it is still living
And by this same living blood that speaks, I have victory over the enemy that stood against me, and the powers of darknesses. Thank you father, in Jesus name , Amen.