Thursday, 25 September 2008


A famous American writer Robert Benchley, whom wrote six hundred essays in his life time in the nineteen century once said; ‘there are two kinds of people in the world, those who believe there are two kinds of people in the world and those who don’t’. I am not sure which kind you would be after you have read this.

There is a universal believe that the whole of the earth is forever engaged in conflict. Though an aging concept. Which has been around as far back as the Pre-Socratic Philosopher period. That is approximately ca.500 BC. The conflict called ‘Conflict of Opposites’ is what I believe keeps the whole entity of the earth in motion. In a state of flux they call it. A type of motion I believe present in everything which exist and could be define as a whole. It is probably the beginning of the beginning. Motion is necessary small or gigantic, slow or fast, which of course depend on the degree of force put into it. From the Greek mythology, to the scientific theory, the concept of Chaos, seems to be present in every thing. The ‘The Big Bang’ theory, The collision of matters and Antimatter And the subsequent fusion and fission. Its’ all things that goes Bang! And Blam!.
This is probably the basic theory of the formation of the earth. Emerging out of the fusion and fission of these two motion-forces into a whole. Thus, the earth and everything in it come to posses this same conflict of two opposite within it in every bit of it whole self. From the minute atom to the largest of the body; be it human or animals. There are few that need to be confronted about these ‘theory of opposites’, such as;

How did these forces come into existence?
How is it that there were only two of these forces? And,
How is it that they were attracted to the same point or toward each other?
I can not possibly answer these questions right now, but all I know, though it sound like a nice tale, this theories is based on one single fact that ‘All things exist in Opposite’. Some still think it is not so much a remarkable concept this concept of ‘conflict of opposites’ but I think it is still the greatest discovery ever made by Heraclitus a pre-Socratic Philosopher; next to it is ‘Gravity’ by Newton. Dualism concepts; The existence of two; is at the root of every philosophy and science; every thought, mind, concept and substances. Basically saying that it is the true perception of all existence. We see it everywhere around us, in every thing we do though we do not notice it. Even the bit of force we applied to a pen.
All things has its’ opposites, distinct and functioning apart from itself as a whole in itself. For example; The common language of Right and Wrong, the dualistic co-existence of Male and Female, radical attractions of Positive and Negative and the religion ditheism of evil and good. All these point to one same theory and concept. When this is true, then, the two opposites exist by each other. And, when there is only a balance which keeps both in equal proportion is there ever peace-‘the fairest harmony’. I conceive that both forces are either radical or one is and the other consuming. My rough guess is that both of these forces has to exist, has to have a presence to guarantee that there is a continuation, motion, action, reaction, attraction, creation call it whatever. They had to make a presences to see that things in the earth would continue and not go out of extinction. Call it the freak of nature but something has been taking care of itself. I sort of see it like the marriage of male and female, a sort of mutual beneficiary existence. Because as it is in the mind of the whole same is it in the mind of its minute parts. It is right Matter could not be divided.

Could you Imagine how a day without night would look like, or a world full of woman without a man, you having a left hand without a right, or two right hands, without the left hand, full night without a daylight. It does seem like a possible confusion of symmetric order. Also in this same symmetric order fashion, the human mind has gained within it a two opposite energy and forces- when it is let loose, within all its' members. We conceive things in our mind in two ways opposites and two ways congenial and at some point along we will be able to move to one side and stay on it. This may be as a form of a conscious and or unconscious choice. Our choices of the two said to be a conscious choice not only because we know when we make the choice but it is because it is a choice that correspond to our mind state and mental force. That is to say that every state of mind is correspondence to an existing force.

‘I am solely moved to the right, than, I am solely moved to the left’. These were the choices we made voluntarily and involuntarily. While we might even be totally naïve of what exactly it means. I would like to believe that the animals of the wild were in this same symmetric system.
It is so naïve of us to believe that the juggernaut panoply of human ethics could be so much differently conceive and yet it is at the same time, based on this one principle of duality-or Moral duality. There is only one way of doing something and that is the right way. But we do not all know this; Which means, we assume the concept that there is no wrong way of doing a thing or anything right. And, yet we all purposed to be right. The entire concept of the ethic, in its different forms and ways is about this one thing; the right way to do a anything right. Saying this thus, we arrive at the knowledge of a ‘common goal’.

Could it be possible that we all are actually aiming at a common goal? A common goal such as in; Freedom, survival. If this is true; does this means that we will ever be at conflict to achieve this common goal? Every rudimentary parlance knows it as; 'the survival of the fittest'; the best to win, a win or a loose. Because one side of us knows how to do it better than the other side. And, one man is good at a thing than the other next man; some do not understnd this concept and still exist in conflict with himself and the world around. And, through conflict on which is the right way and who is right, we were abl;e to set the motion of every civilisation. Do we then keep the conflict going? Or generate a balance to keep things in harmony-‘the fairest harmony’. The purpose of every principle of ethics is to find the right way to do the right thing-The right way to survive.

If there is a way to know how these two forces were generated and set into motion I think we could observe ourselves. Individually, we posses this dual mental complex. Initially, We weight everything in our mind in two different ways; unrelated or Apparent opposites and related or correlating opposite. We understand ourselves right? And yet, this is been the root to many problems in personal life and relationship –ourselves which we can not figure out. As a form of habit of the whole we have acquired in our possession both Negative and Positive forces present in the body. The ‘Negative and Positive’ is merely a terminology ‘of the presence’ of the two forces which were radically at conflict for dominance. And we do not even understand which of these force (Energy) is emitted out of our body. Logically or illogically; we do take actions based on a notion of force which start the instance a motion-action begins. It is in the law of motion; I have Newton to thank for that great discovery- That is the third great discovery. Which is to say; we are either positively motivated or negatively motivated. And, possibly both forces might be in agreement and moves together in a mutually correlated way because of the common goal. Which can be interpreted as the force of attraction. We invented relationship because of these common goal or attraction to become a bonding force or bonding chaos.

Ethic is the combine work of the mind, action and aim. I suppose It become known as an ethics when there is a people with the same one idea in mind, one mode of action and one aim in mind. Ethics is developed from an individual moral concept. And the moral is developed from an idea in an individual mind. Thus,this mind in perspective form an ideal person or people, group or society. And all these ideal were formed from reasons and meaning associated to all things and these as in; experience of oneself, experience of another person, and how we experience the world in a whole. These were example of things developing from minute idea until it grows to become a whole from a minute whole.

I may not be able to fully construct what a negative ethic really is like if I did not take a peep into an individual mind. An individual mind, is probably the mind of the dominant force inherently present and in motion at one space and time. The mind of an individual person would mirror out the mind of the force in action at a space and time. From the minute matter a person is formed in the logic of the force at work. Forces don’t have a mind, like me and you, one of their own, its’ a trajectory momentum. These are one of the little things we do not notice easily. Each one person is the embodiment of a force, the mind might just be the most life giving active part of the forces. And, because of the concept of duality these forces is accepted to sometimes posses a mutual relation by means of their attraction.

A negative ethic, could be refer to as the distinct character of two unlike minded people. It also could be termed as the mind of the negative force in presence at a time in space. An unrestricted, unmeasured, untamed and oppressive attitude. It could be a strongly opposing attitude of a group of people; that is; A pressure group. It could also be the dominant attitude of a person; That is, a person whom neglected the common concept or a majority voice, idea action and anything. And, it might just be a group of people whom often takes a different action and view, divergent to the generally accepted way. And, a person whom let his other dislike opposite side dominate. While all of these touch on what a negative ethics is, in their own little way, it still did not fully define what a negative ethic is. Every person exhibit a small amount of opposing attitude at sometime, without which there could be no improvement. Nothing is a necessity if there is no disagreement to the way things were. Like saying that, you do not need anything if you did not disagree with what you have got at the moment. We could understand more about the negative morals or ethics if we look into some of its simple type origins. I have been able to specify four type origins:
Devastative mind: A great master in the act of war; from the Roman Empire Niccolo Machiavelli has ones said that a man need to devastate to rule. This basically describes the goal of a person possessing this sort of mind will always seek to lead. Where all the aim geared to rule the corresponding action will be to first devastate. Devastative concept or devastative notion would be so strongly inclusive in everything. This sometimes grows to an extreme length like a woman’s spurn or like the woe’ of a witchcraft. These were typical of people whom demonstrate self destructive attitude. Whom would knowingly first devastate themselves before they set forth on their subject-objective. The reason being to avert from any reason not to accomplish that which it has set out to do.

Under-develop mind: At times there is many sorrow in great amount of wisdom. When this type of mind should in fact be called Hyper-knowledgeable it is in concept called an under-develop mind. It could be a genius mind whom could not yet handle the bundle of information dumped into the mind. This is a fault in the transformation process of the mind which it is yet undergoing. The building up of the mind would make the person take some erratic, mindless, oppressive, loutish, single manned deterministic action. Until the whole transformation process of the mind is complete there will be no organisation and a properly defined characterisation. It could be the mind of a young child going through this process of transformation. It would exercise great amount of rash, offensive and dominery attitude. It is generally punitive to a wrong done. A very erratic mind and mostly swayed to both extremes of morals attitude in its judgement. Where ever this sort of mind is in presence god help those that were around.

Un-develop: This might possibly the most advancely schematic and deceptive minds of the negative minds. Initially, this kind of mind is that which does not know. It would not want to know. Uneducated and unlearned mind with hyper-consciouseness of itself. It would intend to remain natural to its’ original self and if it would take to unlearn everything it has learn to do it. It is mostly presently notice in younger people but commonly in use by adult. The mind is dangerous when un-nerved and might be very punitive. It is mostly frustrated to the degree of
self – destruction when oppressed. It would retaliate in every way even if you should succeed in getting it to do what it would not necessarily do. Somebody has to pay for its’ doing what it do not want to do. They were easily detected when they display reluctance through their procrastinations.

Self –rejection: this mind is both dangerous and beneficial. It could lead to dissatisfaction which would bring improvement. But when undone it could become a paralyse of other active members of the mind. Self rejection is mostly influenced by external impulses. For I know that a person is whole and complete in its own original form. In their own way, they were what they were perfect and distinct. Until that time they confront what confound that distinction and perfection.
It is most probably true that if a person is not dissatisfy with the way something is at the moment that thing is not likely to get changed. There has to be a form of conflict inherent which is likely to lead to improvement. We posses a conflicting nature inside us and that is one of the reason we are human. A conflicting nature in the forms of; disagreement and Agreement, choices, Emotion, like and dislike that we often exercise. And, I think this is the reason why we change to become the most developed spices of being on earth more from the animals. And, maybe the best in the universe. I would like to add that some animals too might exhibit a conflicting attitude. These conflicts or disagreement is one form of negative attitude by the way. Every mind is distinct, not a fraction of the whole but in the nature of the whole.

Our nature is generally at conflict with itself. The body is at conflict with what goes on within it, the mind is at conflict with what comes through it or develop except if there is nothing going on inside the mind. So everything is ever at conflict. Harmony is only come when and if there is an equal balance of the two opposite. Equal balance of hot and cold. Balance between hunger and eating. In short there is no amount of a thing we can do without the balance of the two opposites.
From the mind we would generate a thought-force which conveyed the whole purpose of action and motion right down to the aim. Generally, negative morals or ethics were energetic, active and enthusiastic, rude, rowdy, unapologetic and when they move with this negative mind they became a formidable force. It is actually possible to know what percentage of this force actually achieve its purpose. It is like a body dropping from gravity. They exhaust great amount of power in all their actions and motions. Which is often the reason that when they fail they fall and has no use only to be destroy.

The process of revival is long if they were administered with treatment. And because they make use of a lot of energy, power or force, they can afford to proliferate rapidly more easily. We should not forget that ‘Negative mind’ is one half of the two opposites dualistic nature. It is the one half of the opposite which would not lay low. It grows faster and would not seize to wrestle for its own half otherwise it becomes pernicious. And when driven from one place they will fight to emerge at another place. We can hold the believe together now that “All things exist in opposites and by its opposites”. But this is one mind that needs its own existence and sought it out. Saying this thus; Is this the very wrong minds to be right? A wrong side of two opposite to be right and right to be wrong. Is these the minds which is wrong to do the right thing and wrong to do any thing the right way. Knowing it is a concept of the existence of two opposite, we assume that one will ever be right and the other ever wrong.

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