Tuesday 12 June 2007

Judgement of the fool (Unedited)

“Foolishness is in the Heart of a Child, but the rod of correction will send it off”

As a proactive pungent truth is… you don't like this guy known as the fool, and another resemble insinuating proximity like congruence of thing is; in influx. He does not like himself, now that do seem not like your average dense fool. This is pointing to a person once in the arms of Morpheus, on rebound from an early stupor slumber from the entire reality. It is very much akin to a revivalist whom just assume to the wake of the world around him. But what differentiate him from the fool you make-an active fool or self created fool – a passive fool and that, that was assumed pretentiously and the unperceiving god- fool. Him be weary of – he is innocent, precarious and has no sin that you can assail him with. For he's the proairesis of his life willed in course before the timidity of time.
What is so abhorring in this guy to have to incur so much repulsive aura about himself?
If left not, to his inefficacious, mulish and cultivated abstruse to reason, which still make rooms for a conclusive gene juxtaposition of one's own complete cognisant of his reality and his mental aptitude. They should be the same, one would suppose except that the mind is heavy with task, ideals, and concept of himself and others the reality ensuing constrict him to do. This is proposed as in the act ons’ or, and, to fully generate believes that would probable re-generate a physical reality of his mind conceptions.

A rare and several mental disorder 'Austism', developing in early childhood with characters in learning difficulties, extreme self absorption, inability to relate to other people and the outside world. Latter in year it would be followed by a strong resistance to changes in the familiar surrounding and some disorder in the body known as repetitive body movements. People with this disease are mostly disabled at physically helping themselves and others.

Inability of a person to take thoughtful actions and reasons for his actions and purpose will fail most people in competitive life of his surrounding. Of such as which foolishness is made. A fool is made by people and not born as a human. By god and not own volitions, by deeds and not by action, by course and not by curse.

You could spell out a fool from your own dictionary with as little a word as the four letter word that credited it. ‘F O O ….. L’.
That being in word, is not akin to the expressive understanding of the word in mind Not to elaborate uselessly on the meaning, the person of the word outspan the technical relative meaning as it comes to be more at question than the word did with a corrosive Superstitious derivation.

‘Man hate a fool, so does God’

One real truth which is constantly amusing, there exist two body possibly with the ability to create, whom stood against the influences of a fool upon them. Condemnation that is worst than the cross of Christ, is brought down upon anyone caught in the web of foolishness and non will dare venture into showing an iota kindness to such individual. Its the spider's web, the taking is for the meal.

Often at times, I do, but now i have grew accustomed to, calling a person ‘A fool’ in very common
way. Every lips is awry regretfully, and presumably justified by knowing, at sometimes in the progression of affair with a boiling anger must have mutter the word, some with a delicate preciseness which the victim could not denial. It’s right, a damn truth it is and a heard capsule to swallow, not the absurd truth of admitting to the fact of being a fool only but to the shamefulness which convict the fatality.

Curiosity has got the best of me, from the ever rapping voices around, here and there, people discovering there innermost being, that of the reality of the other person around them. It's more a pungent air to breath with the animosity and loneness accordance which surround the life of any person revealed or recognised in his impudent foolishness.

Is it that a fool does not has a heart? Was he not born with one or what actually was this fool created from ? There has to be an answer somewhere in the secret secluded, destitute and desperation of the heart. When the heart is the man, obviously the man is a thinking can. A fool is destitute of a heart, a thought and apparently the intelligence of a fore sight and visions of a thinking heart.

But a few out of the whole lot will accept their foolishness, the incompetence of going above the strategic line of an idiot. Accepting a verdict of foolishness, one will often call an open mind to instruction and thus a step from ignorant to understanding. This withdraw the wicked heart that blocks the heart of a fool and stops his thoughts like the shell of a snail.

“Wickedness is in the mind and soul of a fool but he can not do it”

This has not been practically investigated it is merely a theory, which the visibility of its reality is beyond speculation. Many things have been made apparent in this age, many being dotted in black and white while some few remain in grey areas.

Visible part of the thoughts of a fool is believe and accounted for to proceed from countless pains, sorrows which comes from regret, rejection, shame, destitution and desperation. Of these is the fool made before these he is.

One person get fooled while the other becomes the wise one, very common occurrences
like the attitude of the serpent against mankind then the devil against every other man.
Hardly will anyone open up to be fooled, that is what tells the difference, those that master the situation at hand, with a conscious mind lay in wait ever potent and the only one to avert the tricks and evade the traps of a masterful minder.

I can tell a fool when it walks bye, merely looking at him because I can easily discern and fish him out and that’s to say I will call him a fool ‘a fool often rang a bell when he walks bye’.

What makes one a fool and the next person wise ?

I should think that is when one person is unable to go beyond that idiot over there, which is what I called the strategic line of thought of an idiot. The boldness to act is often cornered with a certain amount of fear, bread out of ignorant. The inability to solve a confronted problem is denoted with the foolishness therein.

“Principles is master to a fool because he cannot attain it”

like a bowl of bone in front of a dog so is principles to a fool, a dog is fooled with bones, it could not complete the battle of trying to break it, it merely lost taste, then left so is principle to a fool.

Ignorant, far from speculation, it is an inhabiting diseases, the fool comes from the ignorant endeavours of which a continuing endless efforts will afterward breed a foolishness.

Should not a man be free to express himself ?
After a great good knowledge of the scripture the entire doctrine of the scripture, I might conclude is laid upon a basic emphasis and that emphasis is for you not being a fool and those that continue in there foolishness were set forth towards destruction.

They are slaves, slavery which comprises of back bending labour without a show for it, at the end conjure up foolishness which is very apparent to every eyes that can see. Such is the continue endless efforts.

The scripture emphasis the need to be wise, it create principles, many like the birds on the sea-shore , how many can you identify.?

When one is identified with a particular species then one is enlightened for that course in classification. These species not being the bird per-say but the principles withheld within the doctrines of the scripture. Apart from that, principles were made out of errors, just like fool were made out of wisdom.

It is the simple fact of a person getting wise from his errors and the next person becoming a fool from the same errors so – ‘Principles were made out of errors, the same way foolishness is made from errors’.

I suggest a fool should forget his name so often to made apparent his inability then we might have compassion and designate that has a disability – Deficiency in memory.

“Foolishness is not a disability, it is simply foolishness”

On the ground of slavery, a slave is made out of the inability to eke out resources or out of his shortfall in resources to carry out a well laid planned life. And since he couldn’t think out another plan to act upon or otherwise, discover a new life- regretfully he submitted to slavery.
This correspond to the inability to solve a confronted problem. Then he is a fool for that -‘Slavery is one type of foolishness breed from fear and strengthen with fear ’

Now here is a simple philosophical view of slavery and foolishness, every sides has been strengthened by adequate effort, all sides viewed in the mirror of this aetiology – channel of reasoning what slavery is to foolishness.

Out from a slavery, that which is not of the body else I would be in chains-
That slavery of the body which on impulse, I have rejected,
But the slavery of which i speak, subject to the mind I tried to broaden-
I was not slaving to my mind but slaved in my mind.
Many were that slaves to their mind, less
a person will fool them not.
But me slaved in my mind, does not permit me to be fooled,
Even though tried, which was the reason I was made slave in my mind.
I perceive the foolishness in others slaved by the mind.

My slavery in the mind comes out of several possibilities I confronted.
Do I know it is possible yet proving not to be, yet
Do I endure the impossibilities to make it possible-
Thence, foolishness goes bye, in endless effort-

A good many knows to define the man when he is in his act this is what it is suppose to be ‘a dirty dish of shit’ when a fool is in his way.
Often it comes to me like that when I step into a pile of freshly made shit- which is the closes in comparison to when a fool is in his way.
I could admit that I understood the way of a fool’ if you don’t, it’s high time that you know.
Days of walking, working and talking
with different people in different words a fool will often emancipate – do you recognise?
At this end, it is relatively adequate that you should understand that what makes a man a fool is far from the basic undue fact but what makes man a fool is how he sat on his foolishness.
There is apparent difference between these two and when these two occur each do occur in its own ignoble special way.

The society has tried to eliminate the foolishness of man’s heart, if not to eradicate it. It does tried to protect their awareness - like giving out a banana to catch the monkey – so is the monkey that is you.

The society is bread out from necessity – ‘necessity being the mother of invention, but now, that a lot amenities has already been invented, ‘necessity lends to discovery’.

Where the society has done this much we would think there should be not a person that will follow yet after foolishness.

Doctrines with the works of thoughts are often derived at with great believe and a mindset by most leaders where only an idiot is allowed to criticize and reject it. Doesn’t that sound more like the pages of the scripture? It says, ‘A wise man follow instruction but a fool reject every instruction’.

When I think of it finding a fool with a head and one that walks like a man, he rules a city, though foolishness is in man, the least of all is when the serpent is in rule, the man is not a man, then the sum up of it all is that ‘a fool is less than a man’
As an ardent believer of the scripture, the story of the Serpent’s deceitful act is still held in great good heart, thus, as the doctrine goes in the bible. It has laid down, any man whom is not capable of confronting and overcoming the Serpent in you at his act is lesser than man and live under the leadership of the animal.

The Serpent has been made symbolic as a master of deceit, yet it isn’t define the act of wisdom because the Serpent stood as a test of man to know wisdom.
Wisdom is with man and makes his dwelling among man,

On the other hand, the subjection of the animal race did little to annul any antagonistic insurgence of the serpent. Animal has been subjected by power under man. In all doctrines, philosophy and believes of the physical reality, man is held in much more great awesome standard than the other lower species of animal. But from time the Serpent is held in a most fearful regard as a deceiver, like the lion as king of the jungle and man too is at skait to confront him. Yet it, the serpent’s still remains an instigator. In other wise then, the animals has got the upper hand if they should be able to claim the body of man.

How long do I have to search before I find what I’m looking for? You too might consider answering that question – although it is rhetorical .
You know – our man, the fool with a head and that rules a city.
You know when you are looking for someone you will need a description, just like the missing person file. It is barn to be filled with pictures from description or photograph of the missing candidate.
Likewise, in this same picture frame, I could search out a fool. It is very intellectual. Many things have of recent age been made more apparent than before and this isn’t the privilege to victimised each individual whom has privileged from the work of the open minded society.

I think it’s worth the try to practise this simple intellectual search at a sit or on a wide horizon search every other day, being vigilant. And probably, that same candidate might come in-handy one day, just like the Eve came in handy for the Serpent to get to Adam. The believe is that Adam was the target, being the one with the ultimate authority in the garden.

Doctrine has taught me that foolishness lies in the heart of man but the rod of correction will send it away – Then I thought to myself, I must have taken a few of that while I was growing up. And, now that I am a man of my own, my quest for survival, my strive to step up the ladder, from nobody to somebody has also been another rod to remove any foolishness from the heart.

This doesn’t in anyway particularly identify a fool however, it is significant to us when we started taking this simple practise. Understanding is required, because what’s locked in the heart is kind of a little bit hard to get rid of so easily. This tells me like it should to you, you shouldn’t worry so much, you will find your man – he is quite different from your frequent dispel of the abusive word ‘Fool’.

However a few could savour the taste of a long sentence to define what a fool is :A fool is somebody that keeps doing the same thing over and over again without any visual prospect. You have to be a fool to keep on doing the same thing and making the same mistake over and over again and again.

Have I ever done anything of that nature before? I kept asking myself, not very apparent, but a blur vision of prospect. Not every time we were aware of the reason we embark on a mission – not every time you think before you do some things and when you must have done it finish, then you will ask yourself; Why did I even do that?

You do things you’re not aware of the outcome, or just out of mind and you stop in the middle and ask yourself what am I doing? In situation of this sort, most people were often saved by knowledge which is in them- those they have gathered over the years.

It would be a shameful thing to find myself buried in the same moody water I was drawing others out of.

‘Meanness is the defence of the fool just as the same as anger in the bosom or heart of a fool’

Does that sound as a riddle? If it does, the simple solution is the basic understanding that, he is often and easily spurn to meaningless anger. He is like a beard live circuit.
Something very close in contact is wickedness, it is a real weapon at hand for the fool. Where in many cases is also leads to his destruction.

The pages of the preacher rang in my mind; ‘Don’t be too wicked and destroy yourself, and also don’t be over righteous and go before your time’. Eccl. 7 :16- 17.

“A fool does not change his clothe” :-

What the heck has clothe got to do with being fool or not? Simple enough, ‘not all clothe are taken to the laundry’
A fraction of decision is the total abstinent from what you think is the right way; obviously, there is great different from not knowing the right way.
These verification in personality could be identified :-
One is the person that knows what is right and does it not.
Another is the one that does not know the right thing to do,
And again, one that knows the right way, but could not do it.
Where another does the right thing but came out wrong;
Similarly there is another that does the right thing but did not succeed.
Then there is one that either the right nor the wrong thing he did neither.

One that is not included is the person that does the right thing and another that does his own thing and succeed in it; obviously, he will be wise for it.
So in this light one is open to changes while the other will continue, while at the best bet all at one point is often liable to changes.

In a simple practical mindset; why should anyone forget or reject to change his clothe.?
Well the first inclination will be that it wasn’t dirty and the second will most probably be that, that is the only thing he’s got available to wear and the third is more like it, which is because he has no money (resources) to buy another. “A borrowed clothe is still a change of clothe but you won’t reject the dirt (Shame) that comes off it”
That is the right sense of it, in this society a fool can still earn money working and anyone who does not earn money or means of earning money in this Society is in good faith pronounced as a fool.

One of the law which is also a philosophy, speaks well on this regard was when it talks of the thief and the mind of the people. ‘People will not crucified a thief when it thief to satiate his hunger but when he his caught he will pay more than he bargain for- more than what he stole’.

Someone thought deep enough to coin the idiom that; ‘Not all clothe are fit for the Laundry’
Both idioms were relatively connected, in words and in understanding, the subject of each being the clothe which is also the epitome of the expression.

There is a close call in meaning of the idiom ‘Not all clothe are fit for the Laundry’ to one of the proverbs of Solomon, ‘A fool will say all that he has in him or all that is in his mouth/mind or heart’.

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