Wednesday 13 June 2007



I have just start to write a new novel. The manuscript is still in its first draft process.

I am not sure when I will finish with this but I am looking to finish the first draft this summer. Yes! its' going to take me up to Ninety days(three months) to finish it.

Here is the concept to the new novel:


Rapture of the Psychotics!

This is the title and the plot:


In a little town in the south of England; a psychiatrist suddenly shot himself and leaves a recorded message of his own suicide. The people did not think little of it, but the police seemed satisfied. Except that his death is to lead to the begining of the end of the world. A mighty voices errupted, it is heard by third of the population; coming from the winds and the cloud. The prophecy is coming to pass. The rapture of the soul on earth is begining. With everyone discovering its other nature, the unconsiouse self ................

While the Psychiatrist board is busy analysing the situation to know its cause and cure. The federal agencies want the man responsible. They need to stop him before he spread it worldwide. It is for a time. How long have they got?

They want to speak....

They want to be heard......

They want to be believed.....


They are in the air, in the sky.

They all can hear it;

Anyone that hears it, is never to remain the same again for the time.


Hi there,

I have finish the draft but the funiest tit bit is that I do not know how good or bad it is.
I am thinking of having it on my blog pretty soon. Just working on it, it will be posted pretty soon.


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